画質 高画質

Sylvanas, because even before being killed and raised by Arthas, she was a bitch.

Face it, if it wasnt for the Jailer's BS godmod powers, this is how the fight between the Bitch Queen and Bolvar would've gone.

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It's a shame they didn't let him say the true blue aussie word for just about everything.

So I fixed it.

Let's fuck around and find out, mate. >:)

(AKA another bs post where something stupid's based on some crap found on ebay, and a dumb meme is born.)

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今日の放送分の、BS12 録画を見ていましたら、日曜19時から の「#パプリカ」が放送されるという、番宣が!!#ガンダムオンライン しながらだったので、( ゚Д゚)!

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...più conosco il mondo, più che sono convinta che non vedrò mai un uomo che io posso amare davvero,pretendo così tanto?certo cara Antonella❤️💖💙😘🔝 sono convinta di sì..curiosa citazione😅bellissima la suo cappello rosso❤️BS cara amica ett

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本日19:30より にて

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美術品入札会「美術品入札会 廻-MEGURU-」vol.6(BSフジ・加島美術 共催)の出品作品公開&入札が開始となりました。https://t.co/2AahahtOh9 円山応挙、伊藤若冲、長沢芦雪、酒井抱一、田中一村等々。webで観ているだけでもお腹いっぱい!2月6日(土)からはギャラリーにて下見会も開催されます。

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BS-04 トップガンパイロット (1/12)
BS-05A "チョ·ジェムビ" 朝鮮将軍 (1/12)
BS-05B "チョ·ジェムビ" 朝鮮将軍 胸像 (1/9)

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... couldn't end the night with a BS scribble, had to throw color at it to make myself feel more validated. I mean the color job is a bit shitty, but I feel better now :^D

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Sick of my bad puns or general bs during my stream but don't have a fun way of showing it? Rosa is here to help! New emote from where Rosa is quite Unamused.

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【新居昭乃 今日は何の日】2010年2月3日,『こばと。O.S.T.1 春のうたかた』リリース。前年秋からNHK BS2などで放送を開始した『こばと。』のサウンドトラックです。新居昭乃さん作詞,はまたけしさん作編曲の挿入歌「あした来る日」を収録,歌うは主人公花戸小鳩役の花澤香菜さん。(続く

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