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got an ask on Tumblr about poseidon so I made a transformation quickie sketch XD
Mantarays are like underwater moths XD Thankfully there are no lamps there... unless you go waaaaay deep down XD *coughanglerfishcough*

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Of course i'll finish them *cough*

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Welp I'm screwed. My body is hurting and feels drained of energy. My voice is gone and I'm coughing too much that my chest hurts.
I'm feeling hot but I'm shivering...

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*coughs* its, done! It's a little messy but the concept is there. I wanted to play with atmosphere and feelings really. It's a little bit more of practice and concept but it was fun to play around with!

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heyheyhey guess who's back from the unexpected hiatus
i missed you all 💖💖💖

and so did this boi -v-

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Coughs blood as I try to shove in as many charm designs as I can

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finally done with my chara turnaround for a *cough*"under paid"*cough* school project.

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Tfw you scratch yourself too hard while trying to scratch an itch-

While this isn't something I'd normally stick on this account as I tend to save it for my gore account(cough ), I thought I might as well draw what I meant lol

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Happy Twin tail day 2/2, hope everyone enjoying the twin tail as much as me
I gonna remade my Little Mauser doujin with better quality *cough grammer

100 retweet this post for full colored doujin 👀💦 Gonna go all out

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Commissions open! All your money will go into my pocke(cough) making Ray. Make sure you provide refs and all that jazz. If you don't need it don't just scroll by give it a retweet, someone else might be looking for this. Paypal: kancsarpatrikk.com

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I have a fever and it hurts to move my head or cough 😷😷😷
Here’s a warmup for hmwk asdf

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meet your *coughvirgincough* demonic cultivator overlord today !! feat. messy doodles and adopted son

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*coughs back to life*

Hello all! just dropping these here. Sorry I don't post a whole lot, I still don't quite have the hang of twitter yet and I haven't really been drawing much lately anyways.

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*coughs into the mic* hello is this on . i just uh *bumps into it* oh fuck i just wanted to uhm. say. uhm.
gay rights .

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here she is
(she was probably recovering *cough* jamie )

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