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Daily Sketch 08-21-2022

Vegeta shooting out a Celtic Knot. You know. A Gaelic Gun.

0 5

Everyone read the Galactic patrol man! Putting dragonball on the back burner while it brews

After ages, Finally going to discuss my favourite manga written by Toriyama.

9 175

Finally finished it! Reference was used with slight modifcations-

2 7

Debería de postear algo porque sino se me van los seguidores
Una androide 18 que planeo colorear más tarde

0 5

DND Headshots of a Goliath, a Dragonborn, a Genasi and a Kenku

0 1

Cooler is the best design in and you can't convince me otherwise

2 16

More than 1k Followers here, More than 1k posts on Instagram. (Detailed drawing in the comments below)


Don't hesitate to like, comment and share! o/

25 121

My favorite character in Dragon Ball🥰

1501 15660

80年代に生まれたスウェーデンの元祖ファンタジーTRPG「Drakar och Demoner」が長き絶版の時を超えて40年ぶりに帰ってくる(英題はDragonbane)!しかも開発元はFree Leagueだ!ということでkickstarterが開始!イラストもあのVaesenのイラストレーターさんが手がけているぞ!

31 48

Would you read a DragonBall GT Manga if there would be one?

35 285