画質 高画質

Hai sahabat-sahabatku yang budiman,
aku lagi research buat future OC nih hehe
Apakah kalian sudi buat komen kira" karakter/ kesan yg kalian dapet waktu ngelihat OC ini gimana yaa
Terimakasih sebelumnya dearr💖

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It’s been incredibly kind of you to do this all month, and I’ve loved seeing your artwork! I’ll enter Kira for this last chance, and tag

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Une plus grande rivalité psychologique que Kira vs L donc...

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On m'a donné H (c'était HARDCORE)

-Hayato Gokudera
-Hiroto Kira https://t.co/wCtVNfXbir

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Hey Kira! I just finished these pieces recently! I lve been feeling really productive lately! Got a good bit planned for today!

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Karyaku! Aku lg belajar gambar, dan ini karya pertamaku pake ibis paint, kira2 ratenya brapa ya >< btw dr gambar ini aku paling suka gambar rambut hehe

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Your art is beautiful! Thanks for doing a raffle. I’ll enter my character Kira from my novel.

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Kalo pipi open gambaran bgni utk watermark for BA apakah ada yg berminat?

Klo soal harga kira² kalian brminat utk brp rupiah ya? Msh bngung utk ksh harga yg pas 🤔

Nanti klo jd pgen buat paket jg biar bisa utk layout / gif

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killer queen but hes just a regular sphynx in clothes that tormets kira at any chance

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I always look as if i were pissed off but the truth is that people piss me off. Kira vibes

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Karyaku! Aku takut ga berkenan,kira2 kalo aku bikin ini dihargainnya berapa ya cocoknya😌

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🌺Name: Victorique
🌺Birthday: 1o/o8
🌺Height: 5'6
🌺My Ice Queen Vivi💜

Art: Kira, Waterrika, Batool, Nanami

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Kira after he bullied a random surfer because he didn't answer his stupid question

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idk why i thought it was a good idea to paint being so sleep deprived
anyway, daily sailor. i wanna om nom nom that tummy

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Honestly Diavolo and Kira are pretty interchangeable, but Funny Valentine is always number one

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