画質 高画質

Un llamado 💣☠Bestia☠💣
1 de los 2 hijos de la muerte misma, representa la destrucción y el caos

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Ave Fénix mística y sagrada representa:Fortaleza,fuerza,purificación,renacimiento,en la Religión Católica representa la Resurrección de Jesucristo,también es la luz,la esperanza cuando hay oscuridad al final del camino...

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And now Part 5 is out for my Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order playthrough on YouTube. Here is visual representation of how I feel mentally every time I get lost :')

Part 5: https://t.co/Ddk3Evdh3e

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Os Eurypterida ou ‘escorpiões-do-mar’ são animais incríveis e muito comuns nas representações do Paleozóico (Era anterior a dos dinossauros) e apesar de serem quelicerados, o nome “escorpião-do-mar” estaria um tanto equivocado. Vem com a gente aqui👇

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Representación de mi estado sociable en una cena familiar:

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Alma 🦊

Essa é a representação que eu tenho da minha essência desde muito cedo mas nunca desenhei de forma que achasse que demonstrasse oq eu sentia verdadeiramente, ela é uma raposa albina, o roxo foi pra dar uma estilizada ✨

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BL 2 -
Kabukichou Bad Trip (18+)

esse aqui merece todos os oscars. alem de ser bonito, ele é o melhor BL com BDSM que eu ja li, chegando ate ser uma representaçao realista em mtos momentos. a parte mais sexy é o consentimento

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I’m always looking for more DMs to be panelists for ‘It’s About DM Time!’ - a weekly twitch chat show about DMing. Any amount of experience is welcome and diverse representation is important! DM me, DMs!

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"There's no LGBTQ+ representation in Miyazaki's movies" Witch from Moving Castle literally did poppers 😤🤔

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VanGoth’s feed is a rollercoaster ride through the artist’s dark visions which manifest in portraiture as representations from creatures and demons to “leaders” and influential people from the past.
We all will face our demons one day, so better be prepared!

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Eu quis tanto representar a preguiça que até o design dele parece preguiçoso

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Rabs sabe representarme al 100% xD gracias rabs!

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geniales ilustraciones de la hermosa sonsaku hakufu!😍
siendo también presentada en su versión BURST BREAK y SD respectivamente!❤
ademas de su icono especial para este nuevo evento, el cual representa a su equipo atribuido.
_tesoros de la familia sun.

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What does the study of war writing bring to wider studies of war and conflict? Tune in to our latest podcast to hear Prof. Kate McLoughlin discussing literary representations of war and their impact: https://t.co/FfO9Pqa8yb

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There r plenty that r shown especially old anime where it’s more offensive then representation and yes there are many black characters out there there’s no way you can say their isn’t. Blaming what u have/haven’t watched as a validation to backwash ain’t it chief.

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¿Cómo se está portando el inicio de julio? Este mes también viene cargado de juegos, y nosotros hemos decidido apostar tanto por los más grandes, como los más pequeños de la industria.

¿Cuál creéis que debería representarnos durante este mes? ¡Podéis votar en el próximo tuit!

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Mischief is in the air 😄🙃

This painting by Fragonard is a lively and imaginative representation of two children at play! Entertain the family at 'European Masterpieces', with interactive displays, drawing in The Studio and 500 years of inspiring art 🎨


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k the shirt (testing gate) is representative of when he finally saw the others as his actual friends that could like him despite his background since they pushed open the gate (pushed into his life) the grey present is leorio? maybe hisoka ? the green is gon the pink is alluka

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Mayoke No Darling
Pq esse BL é uma coisa maravilhosa de fofa. Tem só 6 capítulos, mas eu gostaria muito de ler muito mais dessa história, me sinto tão representado no seme dessa história, que até me aquece o coração 💙💙

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