画質 高画質

— Sargento Keroro
— Doremi
— Hamtaro

129 1075

In an argentine piccolo
-the heavens
sang blues all day

After heaving a storm
puffy eye mist
wears wordless ashen face

of peeking sun
In shadows of when we
meet & fall apart

Reflect in zephyranthes
of my eyes

18 60

sunny morning in argentina

93 471

: Révélé pour la première fois lorsque la démo d'Or & Argent de 1997 a été divulguée en 2018, avec son double-type Normal et Vol, Hināzu (bébé Doduo) devait être la pré-évolution de Doduo.

1 14

Read this as “thick one” instead of “thin one” and i was like “what version did they release in Argentina”

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Nunca subí acá a los integrantes de aparte de belu, pero bue, la vuelvo a seguir con los demás pa que no esté solita♥️

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A ver, te hicieron una maldición y ahora tienes que coger con el último personaje que guardaste en tu galería

como dijo un argentino eeeeeeee aaaaaa eaea jejejeje https://t.co/qJShZaYI4N

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La rédaction et la révision en freelance, rapportent facilement de l’argent sur internet tout en permettant de moduler votre emploi du temps

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I’ll try 😔
Hi, my name is Guada, I’m from Argentina and I’m a digital artist

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My main piece for the "A Father's Love" zine: Cor Leonis with baby Prompto Argentum! Not technically a father and son, but I have a weakness for Dad!Cor... Cor is reviewing the reports on the operation that rescued lone baby Prompto from Niflheim...!

51 119

Congrats on youe 10k Mj!!!
Thank u for put this up for the artist out there.
I'm Sice, Argentina, I stoped drawing a few years ago, but this fandom and Corpse give me the confident I needed.

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Dive into The Art of Alejandro Burdisio, a Concept Artist and Illustrator based in Córdoba, Argentina - https://t.co/c5mW5lClbD

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“Apollo o Febo,è la raggiante forza del sole.
Figlio di Giove e di Latona,nacque nell’isola di Delo,ai piedi del
monte Cinto(da ciò i due epiteti di delio e cinzio),insieme con Diana.
Lanciava infallibili dardi dal suo arco d’argento(immagine dei raggi solari)

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Red del sargento sekiro owo para que la usen para lo que deseenxd

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