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"Yussa, it's me, it's Caleb."

You guys get both the painted and lined versions cus I can't decide which one looks better 😅

25 257

Shoutout to for forcing me to ask myself questions such as "How many Flesh Tentacles should there be?" "How dexterous and curled should The Flesh Tentacles be?" and "Are these Flesh Tentacles too pink?"

52 534

Day 6: Temptation
The pursuit of magic, in the ways that we know it. At a certain point it becomes about the self. It becomes about what "I" can do. And it is impressive that you have deviated at your skill level.

11 69

"Long may I reign / Long may it be"

I had an idea weeks ago for sun/moon imagery with Lucien and Molly and then this happened

36 139

cw // bodyhorror, eyehorror
*insert 's maniac laughter as the intuit charges go off and everything crumbles down*
It took this one scene to make Lucien my fave villain of C2.

82 1055

cw body horror // so how about that last episode!

111 855

👁️Sketch vs Finished👁️
half traditional sketches and digital scribbles that eventually turn into something (I changed up Lucien completely in my digital sketch)

11 50

What if they danced on the ninth floor in the nein-sided tower...... jk....... unless?😳👉👈

17 83

Blended together the magic that Caleb and Jester used in this clutch moment: Dimension Door, Disintegrate, Polymorph, Immoveable Object.

(I just....couldn't decide on one moment)

26 232

Mr. Mercer, I have a trade offer for you:
I receive more of Astrid and Eadwulf in the show;
You receive my full attention and endless love.

Fo real though, I love Volstruckers sooo much.

110 766

Posting my favorite Tiefling again because looks beautiful on her 🥲

3 30

Little practice piece so I could have an excuse to make self-indulgent shadowgast content

125 518

Critical Role fan art of Frumpkin, Caleb, and Essek. Love these wizards and fey cat!

7 56