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A spooky & fun themed art session was had at MIND Northampton! 🎃👏

Participants created wonderful spooky scenes using soft pastels and black card shapes.

Everyone was very proud of what they'd created at their first Creative Minds art session. 🙌👌

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May or may not have made a second, Spookyer version of the drawing. Not to ruin the moment or anything...

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Hey I draw all sorts of things but lately there’s been a lot of character design and spooky stuff!

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I'm free, so i'm gonna post again 🤙

This one was suposed to be an spooky drawing

Power / Chainsaw Man

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I drew my favourite characters/enemies from Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion!

Spooky and Specimen 3!

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oops !
kevin was caught being spooky outside of october !

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I've had a lot of new follows over the past couple of days and I just wanted to say HI! Welcome to my spooky little space! I'm Lazra, the Anathema of Thanatomania! That makes you an honorary Tanatomaniac!! 💜🖤

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Drew some smooth spooky bois

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He's got a sweeter tooth then these two, hints why he doesn't hand out Candy on Spooky Month.

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Let’s gooooo Spooky’s!! 🧪

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👀👉🏼👈🏼 hi guys! I look spooky stuff and character design!

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