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Kodama are the spirits of old trees in deep forests in Japan. Rarely seen as orbs of light or tiny vaguely human shapes, they are more often heard, as echoes that are just slightly oddly delayed art


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The Japanese fairy tale The Flower of the Peony (aka the Peony Princess) has a peony spirit take the form of a prince. https://t.co/r1KTV5iqL8 Pictured: Warwick Goble illustration of the story, 1910

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The scientific name for rhubarb means 'from the barbarous lands of Rha'(the Volga River), and is a favourite food of the baba yaga. It was also responsible for the death of 18 people during WWI and II due to some dodgy goverment advice about eating the leaves...

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Georgius Agricola wrote that miners considered forked twigs from hazel trees best for dowsing. ‘The moment they place their feet on a vein the twig turns and twists, and discloses the vein; when they move their feet again the twig becomes once more immobile.”

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Flower Fairies are tiny creatures (the biggest is only 20cm tall) that live in the tree tops, marshes, forest floor, wayside and gardens. 🌸🧚🏻‍♀️🌸

📷’The Lilac Fairy’ from Cicely Mary Barker's The Complete Book of the Flower Fairies.

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Whenever a seed sprouts, a Flower Fairy baby is born. From snow drops to blackthorns, lilacs to weeping willows, each fairy is responsible for looking after their own plant and keeping it strong and healthy throughout the years to come. 🌼🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♂️🌸

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Born from the blood of Dragons, are known for their sedative properties. They are ingredients for spells of abundance, love, sleep, & invisibility. Hypnos, (Greek God of Sleep & Dreaming) carried a poppy stalk, or a horn filled with poppy juice.#FolkloreThursday

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Kate Greenaway's 'Language of Flowers' - an enchanting illustrated glossary of ‘the meanings of Honey Flower - Love sweet & secret. Daisy - I share your sentiments. Enchanter's Nightshade - Witchcraft & sorcery.


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If you enter woods where rings grow beware! You will be gate crashing their party. will chant a spell and draw you into the circle to dance with them, but if you step on their toes you will turn to stone.

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When you're in Japan, be careful walking under trees! Akateko is a yokai that's a disembodied red child's hand that drops down from Japanese honey locust trees and slaps people. art by

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Hello and thank you for the last, awesome session. This is here talking about Plant Lore. Tweet away!
Image: Double Daisy by Cicely Mary Barker

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Ar gyfer dail acanthws yn gweu trwy engrafiadau Charles Sherborn (1831-1912) o gasgliadau r . Yn ôl Vitruvius acanthws yn ymblethu â basged o deganau ar fedd plentyn a ysbrydolodd y pensaer Groegaidd Callimachus.

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Nightshade known as the "witches berry" for its said use in flying ointments. Highly poisonous it is also said to produce visions of the spirit world.
The rhyme in the image is a traditional Girl's Skipping Rhyme from Chokely in Wynterset (on-line attribution)

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Fairies consider it really quite rude to trample on bluebells as they hold them in such high regard...it is said that when they need to summon their kin to a Gathering then the bluebells make a ringing sound - but if humans hear this then it is a bad omen...

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Grandville was a French caricaturist with an eye for the unnatural & absurd. The Flowers Personified (1847) shows a fantasy world peopled by humanised flowers. His disquieting images are recognised as an inspiration to the surrealist movement.

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Mixed with anemone bulbs- the first anemone of the year must be picked saying-
‘Anemone, I gather thee for a remedy against all diseases’
and kept as protection against illness.

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Best way to start a plant themed ? A strong cup of coffee and a lovely story of the delicious drink's discovery~beware there are hyperactive goats involved! https://t.co/EqWPsp3u5x

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A flower of loyalty - day after day the sunflower follows the sun from east to west..

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