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A comic book moment that lives in my head rent free?

The entirety of 's Daredevil run, but the Original Sin arc (drawn by I think) particularly gets me. That last line of Matt's, 'we should all fail so tragically'... I'm not cry, you are 😭 https://t.co/he7MJw0Rx4

2 10

Audrey redheart lives in my mind rent free, is this a problem?? You decide.

61 182

What's a comic book moment that lives in your head rent free? https://t.co/rtZOuHb6Nn

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What's a comic book moment that lives in your head rent free? https://t.co/uPBqvJYitw

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What’s a comic book moment that lives in your head rent free?

This one is from Star Wars 1978 https://t.co/RO0UC5dDJX

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This lives rent free in my mind

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What’s a comic book moment that lives in your head rent free?

Here’s mine: https://t.co/edVucueQfE

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This ppg song lives rent free in my head


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There's so much good but this moment lives rent free in my head

1 7

What's a comic book moment that lives in your head rent free?

for it's this im so basic https://t.co/zOtDMeq6HK

4 56

they live in my head rent-free

7 13


I didn't want to do this, but I have no choice I need money to pay my secure rent otherwise I would have no place to live and I will probably lose all and this job

My links:


Thanks for everything!✨

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rent free comic moment

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fem!giorno lives in my head rent free😳

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these two live rent free in my head

8 31

What’s a comic book moment that lives in your head rent free? https://t.co/ujfslkxUzy

5 22

thank you for letting me draw something for your headcanon!! its dope asf and lives in my mind rent free

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What’s a comic book moment that lives in your head rent-free?

Here’s mine: https://t.co/9Cj1TTsf1f

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