画質 高画質

Starting 2022 right with best girl Mui from Undead Unluck.

I'm gonna start sharing doodles and transforming some of them into more complete drawing to actually have something to show the world.

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Introducing the main player character of Samael!

Samael is a quiet, soft-spoken young man with a mysterious past. Unraveling the mystery of his lost memories is key to discovering the truth of what happened to the world.

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I was gonna draw Hajime for his bday but. Redrew another Nagito Truth Panel instead 😬

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Grim Reaper and Seeker of Truth

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truth be told i may like it even better than the ones i own 😆. but they are cute, too.

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We begin 2022, a summary of 2021... It was a good year to tell the truth, so it only remains to keep improving and see what challenges come in these days!

One more thing, comment any coating or colors you want to see for a next spartan, I'll be waiting for your message 👀👀👀

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What will 2022 bring? We can let the authoritarians dictate, or we stand tall and strong, secure in the knowledge that we are free individuals all. Speak truth, live with integrity, reject fear, scorn lies. Storm Maiden tapestry https://t.co/0NFDf4PKbE

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"Poetry is a spirit; and they that would worship it must worship in spirit and in truth."

English fiction writer E. M. Forster was born in 1879.

Books by E. M. Forster at PG:

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Truth about extinction of dinosaurus. 2010

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初プラモは何しようかと考えてるうちにこんな時間。Get truth 太陽の牙ダグラムと境界戦記のARMORED SPECIAL CARRIERと遊んでみたり。サイズ感は同スケールなのでちょうど良い・・・トラックの窓がデカイ(笑)

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Hopefully we all have a healthy, free & prosperous 2022.
Wisdom & Truth!
What is your wish for the New Year?

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💫👁👁👁Speak your truth or face several consequences 👁👁👁💫

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Hello, happy new year. Seriously 1000 people there watching my work the truth is that it is very nice I hope to be in better conditions next year to give more and better.

And I have not drawn much but I am also here well dressed.

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❤️"ALEX!? I can't lose them again I can't! I need to know why alex left." 🍬 🧡"Is t-that L-lila? I should just go! NO! I can't leave her again she needs to know the truth even if it hurts.."☕️ ❤️"Alex? Alex is that you?"🍬 🧡"Hi Lila..."☕️

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💀#L2D Model Art WIP update

Flats done, onto starting all the lighting, though in truth I might be about done for today. Lighting is a tomorrow me task. LOL I might do some of it yet tonight but am about pooped.

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This year for me has been a bit hard to tell the truth, I have been recovering from a mental block, as you can see I have just returned to drawing.

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Someone amazing did something amazing for me

you will know the truth next week~

For now, happy new year everyone🎉🎉

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栗林みなみさんの「just the truth」と、Lisaさんの「往け」です。


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「My Truth」

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