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Sending a thousand hugs your way, Luna! Please be safe and thank you for having been a part in the community. Just know that you left your little grain of sand and it's what matters! I hope you do well in the future and us corpsetwt will forever have u in our hearts!❤❤❤✨

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la luna busca amista

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la luna tiene razon

1 7

Part 2 Days 1-8 🐟

Nephropsis Serrata
Horseshoe Crab
Blackfin barracuda
Luna lionfish

4 19

It's and we're having fun
reading a book of a pig on the run
Into the woods she likes to escape
to wallow in MUD and swim in the lake!
There's a cool breeze, and stars are above
and a friendly Moon guides our Luna with love!


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Princess Luna and Celestia in my version

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Happy to my two mom OCs, Luna and Rebecca. 🤍

Rebecca is Jolyne, Jordan and Luna's mom
Luna is Spencer, Rosalina and Musa's mom !

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🍄 Luna a secouru un mystérieux beau garçon que quelqu’un a poignardé. Pour cette sorcière noire qui ne peut pas toucher les autres, cette rencontre va bouleverser son destin…

📚 La sorcière aux champignons T.2, disponible en librairie

2 41

Princess Woona- Err, Luna! 🌙

278 1306

Here's my Lovely lad Moon/Luna! They go by They/Them pronouns, and will gladly be your Bisexual friend if you ask them to be! Kind and compassionate, they'll want to make sure you're okay no matter what. A loyal pal.

Bascially: Good bean

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194. luna

for @/Irrelevant__kid

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luna genderbend dont even ask why

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Luna (OC) with Twogami and Togami at the 🤍

I love drawing fancy outfits so bad okay bye-

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A gift for holding more than ten paladins. Yes, custom paladin for .#85 LUNA🌙. Thank you for your support all the time.🙏🏻❤️
https://t.co/UUlEufEZGr ผ่าน

16 41

Luna & Nara
❄️Cool and Hot!!🔥
Collection : The Elegant Witches💕

Colletion of beautiful witches that will make your collection look perfect!🤩🤩

Reserve only 0.29 ETH ON FOUNDATION

49 54

Vedetta cut her hair short bc she's been become more tomboy as she grow older

While Luna has been letting her hair long, simply because she have no preference, yet.

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