画質 高画質

Drawing done with Willow charcoal and soft pastel.

நடுகல் நிழலில் இருக்கும் செந்நாய்கள் - அகநானூறு(53) காட்டும் காட்சி.

‘வள் எயிற்றுச் செந்நாய் வருந்துபசிப் பிணவொடு...நடுகல் இன்நிழல் வதியும்’

குறிப்பு: எழுத்துப் பொறித்த நடுகல் என்கிறது பாடல்

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but they each have varying styles! ft butch country ruby, theatre techie bella, 70s funk poppy, anime nerd sunny, grunge goth jade, punk metal skyler,&influencercore violet

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Jinx is always super easy to make in these, I love her 🥺... but I never know how to make Willow because *I* don’t even know what she looks like FSKFJSN she lives like a smudgy conceptual blob in my head, rent-free

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Beta Trio are here at last!
I had so much fun drawing Beta Willow and I had to add her to my Beta Amity and Beta Luz :3

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Cuando hago estas cosas, entiendo más y más a todos los ilustradores gráficos. Una ilustración oficial de Lina Inverse que se me quedó pendiente de convertir hace meses a 15 colores, hoy redibujada a mano. Unas 10 horas en total, buf

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Koskella has returned pack some heat

Bonus a drawing with Willow involved.

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My name is Willow and I'm a succubus and I came here to take over the internet ヽ(。ゝω・)ノ☆

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[3/3] Final manga redrawing of TOH x LWA series. This was fun to do. Might do this again with other series I have in my shelves someday.

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Featured Art of the Day: "Willow By The Stream". Buy it at: https://t.co/VnS4qrG6te

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Updated: Occult Librarian Zev of the Weeping Willows

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explicando por que willow park é lésbica; a thread

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"broken duo" i titled the file lol, kid on the right/willow belongs ot !

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Willowisp cover by
An LGBT paranormal romance about a boy named Noah who moves to the hometown of his recently deceased mother. He discovers love and magic!
January 27th

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Ok I'm a nerd, you know. This one has impeccable graphics and gives me hella magical kid vibes!

Show me your kid magician!

As always, here's me!

Zev of the Weeping Willows!


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