画質 高画質

Accelerator….. I don’t know what to say in these captions anymore lol

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17 of 365
2022 daily illustration 🐅
매일 일력 그리기 챌린지!
일이 이틀 밀리면 이주를 고통받는 사람…..((업보 청산 중))

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Exams r over…..finaly……….

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Sorry I have been not active everyone~…..*makes a sad heartless noises*

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오랜만에 패드로 그렸습니다…..망

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내가 이걸 아포하기도 전에 봣을 땐…….. 머냐이중이병자식은…… 오른눈에 흑염룡이라도 깃들엇냐……….. 햇는데
그거보다 더한 눈이었고
중이병이라기보다는 너무 미쳐서 오히려 순애하는 놈이엇던것임

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I could not resist….. The Art is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥.

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britney (left) & madison (right)……..

britney likes disco, rollerblading and elton john. her favorite show is dancing on ice

madison is in complete awe of how horrible a person britney is but she also thinks it’s kind of funny
she can’t catch for shit & sucks at rollerblading

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잘생겼다…..달릴때 투구쓴다….

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but not his Red Bro….. this is the same green dude for his time to shine for the year of 2013! He’s is

But nice of to invite and for a Funtime! Eh, Muckrakers?

I hope She made welcome spaghetti for them!


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…..… so, i Ijust came to a bizarre realizarealizati..…

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Surprising literally no one…..I chose the Ursula dormitory in twisted wonderland…also my MC is from Atlantica because we embrace cringe in this hOUSE

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I like them both for one simple reason….. that evil cocky smile

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Surprise! Surprise!!! i doodled smth from ‘s mitsukai fic!! i couldn’t help it 🥺🥺😭😭 i was melting when reading it….. warmed my heart so i just had to!!

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칼리루시가 포타 주목할 만한 작품에 선정돼서 황급히 만든 표지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ진짜 호다닥 했다….. 제 만화를 사랑해주시는 분들 모두 감사합니다~!!!😂😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😂😂😂💕💕💕

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조땐닥스와 삼거미.…......

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계정주 ………..
귤님과 백년가약을 약속하다 —!!!!!!!! (그녀와 협의되지 않은 사안입니다.
손나 카와이잇-한 엽서또한 대대손손 가보로 전해주며 생을 마감할예정 …… ♡ ♡̷̷̷
p.s. 실물이 너무안담겨서 진심으로 죽고싶을따름이에요ㅠ.

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