画質 高画質

Hey, I'm Burst! I make digital vector art and simple 3d crafts!

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1-Di Gi Charat Nyo
2-Excel Saga
3-Burst Angel
4-Mikami La Cazafantasmas (Ghost Sweeper Mikami)

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PS4版との比較。色数が多く、精細でかなり観やすくなってますね (PC-98版 EVE burst error より)

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間 違って は い な い (PC-98版 EVE burst error より)

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通報しまちた (PC-98版 EVE burst error より)

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Fantastic Four (1966-Jan.)
The Fantastic Four learn of The Seeker and the Inhumans in “Who Would Destroy Us!” Script Stan Lee, Plot-Pencils Jack Kirby, Inks Joe Sinnott. Lee over-dialogues trying to keep apace of Kirby’s jamb-packed plot that bursts with imagination! 4.5/5

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そうだそうだ!柴田茜ちゃんにはナースのコスプレとか色々・・・ (PC-98版 EVE burst error & PS4版 EVE rebirth terrorより)

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あ、まりな編12月4日の入浴後で手詰まりか。じゃあ、小次郎編に戻ろうかな (PC-98版 EVE burst error より)

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屁理屈か!w (PC-98版 EVE burst error より)

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Tae is such a shy babie and Yoongi is such a sweetheart but he's a little shit when he wants to be. Taehyung's heart nearly burst out of his chest😭😭 Tae was STRESSED!

You brought such an important story to me to life with your talent 💕 TY! https://t.co/cC5J8pvzNI

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通報しまちた (PC-98版 EVE burst error より)

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氷室恭子ブチ切れ案件キター!あ、PS4版だとここで新規CGが入るわけね。サターン版でもあったかしら? (PC-98版 EVE burst error より・2、3枚めはPS4版)

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I have nothing new but reposts last year's outburst

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Here are some more toyhouse icons of two of my most colorful characters, Princess JuiceBox and Starburst!

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Éclair Blanche:A Girls' Love Anthology That Resonates in Your Heart


The girls' love anthology is back & bursting with stories to enchant & delight. This new addition to the Éclair lineup will sweep you off your feet!


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4: Messenga Badcat
perky girl made of black slime mold! shes always ready to burst with energy, so she verbally stims by adding 'y'see?' to most of her sentences

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I want Sunburst’s robe/cape so much. I would snuggle up in it and wear it every day.


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このシーン。EVE rebirth terrorをやった後だと、またグッときてしまう・・・つД`) (PC-98版 EVE burst error より)

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いやいやいや、松乃広美さん?あなたとんでもない目にあってたじゃないの。なんちゅうタフネスや・・・(ノ∀`) (PC-98版 EVE burst error より)

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氷室恭子と松乃広美の関係については をやってると、ここらへんの会話の意図がすぐ見えてくるという・・・ (PC-98版 EVE burst error より)

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