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nero claudius (swimsuit caster) (fate) by yuge (mkmk) https://t.co/RYtuQyhMCy

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Currently having too much fun with this 🧙‍♀️✨ x 🐚🧜‍♀️ hybrid sim. She's a spellcaster with mermaid skills (but no tail though and thankfully not glitching) .

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First drawing of what I will dub - the LOCKDOWN SERIES

This one featuring 's creation NexGen, traditional pencil/ink/Faber Castell PITT colors

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nero claudius (swimsuit caster) (fate) by kouhirohaunnme https://t.co/wizGBaSK8w

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🏆 March Americas Tournament Broadcast!

🎉 We are happy to announce Tachibana as your March Americas Tournament Community Broadcaster this Friday starting at 2 AM UTC.
👉 Get to watch the tournament while listening to Tachibana's live commentary!

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We're all focused on and it's a terrible tragedy but what about the looming It's NOT going away! Find out more about it: What is the Climate Caste System? - Click to see ☛ https://t.co/xQfrhG9Rws via

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I hade fun designing a triton girl for given the chance I'd love to play a spellcaster.

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Não existe esse negócio de Oradores que tem na série. Sypha é uma figura que Trevor encontra petrificada em sua luta contra o ciclope do castelo. Só se descobre que ela é mulher no final do jogo, já que após a morte de Lisa, Sypha achou mais seguro viajar como homem.

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Leon e Mathias, eram dois amigos, cavaleiros templários, que lutaram em pró a paz e em nome de Deus.
A história começa quando a esposa de Leon, Sara, é sequestrada e levada para o Eternal Night (Castelo do lorde vampiro Walter Bernhard

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Euskara mintzagai duten 12 abesti aztertu dituzte ko ikasleek podcastean, eta euskarak bizi duen egoeraren inguruko hainbat ertz landu dituzte, 50 lagun baino gehiago elkarrizketatuta.

n dauzkazue guztiak https://t.co/dro8xxcSkH

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hi there Zelda! sounds like a fun gig- i did some banner artwork for and would love to work with more podcasters. you can find samples of my work at the links below!

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caster (fate/extra) by norun (mai0910) https://t.co/lvTYJ4UwnJ

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nero claudius (swimsuit caster) (fate) by moze https://t.co/XINn0CVbgC

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and 's Deaththot and Aeon's services are hired by a certain spellcaster!

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