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本日14:00よりイベント『高貴に働け! Salon de Noble』を開始しました!
ポイント報酬では、★4 [スウィート・スワン] アレクサンドル、★3 [ベルボーイ] ホールがGETできるチャンス!詳しくはゲーム内のお知らせをご確認ください。

389 975



ぜひ「vol.06」のご予約宜しくお願いします☆Be Noble!


943 1994

Bust commission for a friend of their character Thaddeus, a halfling noble turned bard~

1 7

Hey Jags! Due to water damage as a result of the polar vortex, Barnes & Noble, Starbucks, and the Jaguar Fitness Center will be closed until Sunday. The rest of CE will be open as usual and we apologize for an inconvenience caused.

6 15

Big hello to this new adventuring party!

Human rogue
Hafling noble
Firbolg fighter
Gnome rogue
Hafling druid

Image © Takeda11

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Johan has gotten through more changes.
We decided to alter his outfit to make it look worn, because he was just a poor nobleman. Now Johan's appearance shows more about his present life.

Made using:

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★5 [バレンタインデーの朝に] スナイダー、★4 [スウィート・ピクニック] エカチェリーナには、特別エピソードが付きます♪
さらに、明日開催予定のイベント『高貴に働け! Salon de Noble』で有利になる効果も!

1536 2226

would you prefer if all might was the girl that served noble?

0 2


「千銃士 vol.05」


商品情報ページには展開画像もありますよ!ぜひ初回特典を手に入れてくださいね☆Be Noble!

208 520

Today's card is ⚖️⬅️ Temperance reversed.

Setsuna is wise, noble, measured, and selfless. But her unyielding commitment to her duties come at a great personal cost. Is your attachment to structure helping you meet your goals? Are you leaving yourself room to breathe?

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—The flowers and the sun will cherish him forever.

20 54

Next, with a trio of in the company, from . Written by , Directed by & feat the wonderful Toby Vaughan & eight noble others 💁‍♀️#BitchPicks

0 3

🇫🇷 Voici ma participation pour le ! ⚔️ Vous avez choisi le nom du personnage : Chevarat d'Arrandosh ! Ça sonne comme un noble déchu. 😁
🇬🇧 Here is my entry for the CDC ! ⚔️You all picked the name, which is Chevarat d'Arrandosh ! Sounds like a fallen noble to me 😁

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Gather around, small ones. Now hush! I'll unfold before you a tale of the noble kinght-librerrant Sir Hildebrand Featherstroke, his faithful shieldbeetle Sir Briar and trusty messenger Dame Brigitta Ladybug.

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