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My first time posting art on twitter but yeah!
Ordered my collecters edition of Cupid Parasite a few weeks ago so hopefully it gets here soon so I can see my boy Gill in the flesh :D

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yeah i know right!! 😁 Funny tho u say it, cuz i've been testing this format on other rares lmfao😂 Parasol and Elephant

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doodle of shelby after i finished his route 💕 his hair reminds me of Angel wings haha

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Yeah totally, i’m take monster cuase oooo spooky hair parasite thing.

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Check it out! This DTIYS MarmaJchan submission was created by on 🎨

See "MarmaJchan": https://t.co/siKVia2E9Y

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Inktober day 19 : Parasite

Still 12 prompt again ✨

3 13

Parasite Eve is the reason I became a science nerd, so it is basically the reason I ended up getting my bachelor's degree in biological sciences. Who says you can't be successful when you play videogames all day? Long live Aya Brea.

3 29

A parasitic plant that needs a host to latch onto and draw nutrients from. Also, very toxic/fatal to those who ingest any part of the plant. So, for a female villain, with powers like Parasite and sexiness of Emma Frost I give you Vanessa Vance a.k.a. Mistletoe

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lynette stop calling me beautiful you're making us look gay to the viewers

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Hello ! fam ❤️ I hope everyone can shake off the bad things in their minds 💪✨

🎁Gifts : unlockable content & MIND CLUB


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🎨NFT Feature
Near Girl - Farrah

• NFT :-Near Girl - Farrah
• Minter :- ksart.near
• Minted On :- Paras

🍃Use for feature

1 4

yeah I know people liked this post bc some doctor who actor said but I don't care. "parasite in chief" will live in my mind forever

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