画質 高画質

Drawing tablet practice + figured out how to customize a brush in sai that i'm comfy with,,, Grayscale because if it's in colour i'll get pissed when the colour is diff on phone 🔫

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oie, eu sou o Lua, tenho 19 anos, faço desenho digital, uso o paint tool sai, costumo desenhar muita fanart de lol e anime, e esses são exemplos é minha arte :D

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É um dos mangás que sai na antologia Action Hiken, do

Sinopse: Hana Ookami e Kai, seu guardião, são dois dos últimos sobreviventes do Clã Ookami, que sofreu um massacre. Traumatizada, a única maneira que Hana encontrou de fugir de toda essa dor, foi+

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All the actual work for this was done in Sai paint tool 2.

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Rigby: Mordecai faz o sinal do rock mordecai!!

Mord: Q? Não!!

Rigby: faz o sinal!!

Mord: Sai fora cara, mo estranho tu


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Finished the piece I was working on during Saturday's stream, so thanks to anyone who managed to watch along at all lol I'm really proud at how this turned out :)

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I was going to draw a ship, but then I lose the mood to, but I still liked the pic, soooo I made it into a base :3! Download for SAI and PSD : )! Credit me if used plz? <-- noted https://t.co/9TLtAb7AEI

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I actually sketched this twice because Sai yeeted itself away after the first sketch was done.. and yes I forgot to save AND did the whole sketch again but it's not as good as the first....

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Commission of Dragonartandre's bull with a bonsai - a Bull-sai if you will!

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作っておきましょう。いざ集団や軍勢の一枚絵を描きたい時に、SAIのレイヤー機能で張り付けまくることで大幅に作業時間を短縮・節約出来ます。 コピペの短所である判子絵を逆手に取って、軍人らしい統率感を表現できます。

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②SAIで2人のイメージカラーでレイヤー分けした背景を2分、ぼかし機能で境界線をぼかす SAIで640×480に縮小する

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Oii sou Luks, artista digital e CEO da granja
Tô meio parado esses dias mas alguma hora sai desenho bom!

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Really enjoyed creating this headshot this morning!

This took roughly an hour using paint tool sai and my wacom tablet!

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Eu tentei desenhar a Senjougahara de cabeça, mas sem ficar olhando referências todo meu desenho sai fofo demais, e a Hitagi é assim: 😡 e não assim: 🥰

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SHAKE ART!×学生作家 カレンダー企画👣

6月の壁紙はsai takedaさん。(@sai_tyutyu)

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It's only been half a year tbh since I switched over to CSP from Paint Tool Sai and I've never regretted tha decision 😊 Thank you so much for this amazing program!! ❤️

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