画質 高画質


Digital Sketch
Created 28 July 2018

As tender as the stars
Her eyes
Hold an irresistible mystery and charm
Pulling me in
Like a hopeless romantic

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Since Oberon actually manifested as a Pretender and also for my Catalyst

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Day 222:
hehe pretender class

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Tender Sugar~

A Resident Evil x Silent Hill crossover with Rebecca Chambers. Took me around 10 hours or so!

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Vegeta’s line here literally means to treat someone tenderly, but in battle manga and the like is often sarcastically used to mean the exact opposite. A parody of this usage appeared in the Namek arc, with Jeice over-explaining the joke

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2) Rena Ryuugu + Keiichi Maebara (Higurashi) they're best friends and both have signature weapons and mental breakdowns and they're just kids trying their best and i think the roof fight was very tender

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Malas noticias compis no hay nada más en español a color y he decidido que prefiero leerlo en inglés a color antes que en español y en blanco y negro, esperemos que mi nivel de inglés me permita entenderlo

Sigamos con la diversión

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I feel like I have some pretty strong contenders,,, 👀

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El aborto siempre tiene un costo pero su fanatismo,su odio y su soberbia no les permite entender ni eso,ni que son utilizadas como carne de cañón de una transnacional abortera que financia a sus líderes que las maicea como si fueran otra cosa menos mujerea

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Unlocking From the
What's better than a pair of young lovers sharing a tender kiss?

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Hi! I like colors red ,black and white. I am in fact a bartender and the vibe I try to give off is charming, goofball, villain! ^.^ thank you for the opportunity everyone has some amazing designs in here!

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Overon: Clase Pretender
Su clase afectara a las 3 clases principales y es debil a las otras 3.
Sera el Counter de Alter Ego y se vera afectado por Foreigner.
En el siguiente tweet dejaremos sus Skills y NP~

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Estaba dudando en enviar este dibujito ya que wenooo..Los que saben de este juego.. ya entenderan jskajskaska PERO SI! me enamore de un calvooo sjajsaj 💜✨
No se si terminarlo aun jsjs -w-

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