画質 高画質


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Camille and Gwen from league of Legends. I saw a meme on Instagram with the gwen's model that was holding Camille's one as od She were her scissors, and I decided to draw it 😂

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No te pierdas la ilustración 🖌 realizada por Abbot Miller y Ori Toor para la portada del disco: «12 Questions», donde retratan a todos los artistas participantes🚀 👉 https://t.co/WUmdS7tHO3

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Anyway last night/this morning I actually pulled out my iPad to draw recreationally, which is a thing that hasn't happened in millenia (that paperfeel protector really did make all the difference). Finished up just enough of what I was working on to get a new PFP up in here, lol

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A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators - M is for Marjorie Miller who was an American illustrator of children’s stories and periodicals in the 20s and 30s

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A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators - M is for Marjorie Miller who was an American illustrator of children’s stories and periodicals in the 20s and 30s

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A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators - M is for Marjorie Miller who was an American illustrator of children’s stories and periodicals in the 20s and 30s

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開幕のお歌枠、テンパってしまって記録全然出来なかった💦みんなに感謝しかないです…!清楚掛け軸もペンライトも、ライトシャワーも花束や指輪、おしゃぶりに赤面チーク、ありがとうございます…!Grazie mille!

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Three of the coot chicks are noticeably larger than the others and already coming out for a brief swim around the nest. The smaller chicks stay under the brooding bird.


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She hummed a tune that swayed the glazed lilies on the valley. Familiar but different at the same time. Xiao looked at Qiqi. So did Ganyu. Both of them knew it was because of the millennia that had passed on. They’re holding onto shaky memories of the Geo Archon’s lover Guizhong.

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The Batman cowl for George Miller’s Justice League: Mortal, modeled after Alex Ross’s illustrations of Batman.

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"Steve above Sea and Fog"

Last time I recreated Jean-Francois Millet's "Gleaners" painting.
This time I recreated David Caspar's "Wanderer above Sea and Fog" painting.

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A Commission for my good fren of her OC Camille :3

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Autostima a mille o sbruffonaggine?
Secondo voi chi vincerà la 24 Ore di Paperopoli?

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|oc|: Mary Miller 🥀
Flor favorita: Rosa

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Moon Knight Cover date Oct 1981!

I’d been exposed to Moon Knight before this, but from this issue on I was reeled in.

Morpheus, the insomniac monster, should have more appearances. Doug Moench writing. Frank Miller cover. And of course Bill Sienkiewicz interior art!

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I've had this Joe in my art folder for a month, refusing to post it because I still can't believe this is something I drew, but Camille keeps telling me to post it online because she likes it so much, so here it is. The forbidden fishnets Joe.

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