画質 高画質


4 16

Cats generally have god complex...

This applies more to Marcus.

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New year is coming! 🎆 and more importantly, I love him so much.

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Close up ↓

La parte de los Man’O se podría considerar mas como spin off/precuela pues la historia más importante de contar es LandKrieg, pero eso lo verán mañana y pasada, hasta entonces!

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Eu já tô fazendo a capa de Versus e tal, o logo vai ficar em baixo e os quadradinhos dos outros sete personagens importantes vão ficar onde está o V em cinza.

O que vcs acham?

Também troquei de header pra ficar no clima da história.

1 7

An important question for all of ya:

Currently i'm reorganizing some stuff on my old C0m1ss10n sheet
And I mostly wanna know
What would you all pay for character art like this?
Current scale im working with is a bust to fullbody randing from just lineart to colored/shaded

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Tengan por seguro que se van a poner insoportables el siguiente 28 de enero

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🚨🍿 no se pierdan hy 27 de diciembre "Portal", los mantendrá al filo de su asiento. Solo por Megacable, canal 403/404.🚨🍿

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Sometimes dudes need to shut up Bc their beauty is what’s important while their speech THATS COMPLETELY TERRIBLE is deafening to their debatable aspects

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A character Design Challenge Entry for the Month,,,,,,,,,, Shelby Arriving just in time for her Delivery .. "with Portal Deliveries Inc. No Delivery is too late!"

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a toda la gente bonita, sé que es atrasadito el dibujo para la fecha, pero logré hacer este dibujo para mí, y estoy muy muy feliz de terminarlo

muchas cositas bonitas e importantes pasaron este año y me alegra haberlo podido plasmar <3

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Portada variante de Sabine Rich para The Amazing Spider-Man exclusiva de Unknown Comics y The 616 Store.

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The last change to my this year, because I needed to include some important info~✨
If you're interested in being moots, just let me know/interact with me, because otherwise I tend to follow back selectively😅

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Your tourbox art collab piece was super cute! I especially like all the little details and Easter eggs in the room👀 your art pieces in general made me realize backgrounds are very important when drawing characters

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The most important piece of 2019 for me. My art will never be able to translate how much our babies mean to me. But I will always do my best and here what I could do in 24 hours ♡ Thredyn belongs to the amazingly talented and he is my OC Luka’s hubby.

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Clippers & their channels are so important for Vtubers to hit that next level of success that you need to go career. Would that I had the power, I'd love to make those resources more readily available to those for whom success is long overdue.
So many talents wither on the vine.

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And dear Will also gave me an insanely touching gift 😍 made an insanely beautiful watercolor work from a very important photo for me ❤
Dear Will, I'm crying 😭 with happiness and delight 🙏
I love you ❤️‍🔥

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Link ⬇⬇⬇ to purchase today!

Hi everyone, Ishida Ryuuken is available for purchase!
He's looking for a special new home!

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Hoy inauguraré el hilo para el cómic de Metamorfosis con la portada!

Advertencias: contenido +18 (solo en privatter)

Multishipping antes de los ships definitivos

🚫NO mencionar streamers. Historia de pixelitos.

BL y GL.

Actualizaciones lentas.

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Una ilustración pequeña dedicada a un ser de la familia que lamentablemente nos dejo el día de ayer, fue muy importante para mi familia y para mi. Descansa en paz Lunita 🤍

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