画質 高画質

the Aces & Aros!
Cassian Shepard & Adrahel Lavellan, demisexual
Lena Shepard, Cassian & Kalan Sideris, ace
Aryn Shepard, grey-ace

Aedan Shepard, Paragade Engineer, Tali romancer, panromantic asexual
Sulahn Sabrae, chaotic neutral bard, nonbinary & aro-ace (art cr @/boombooshoot)

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dont have an actual comms sheet atm but incase ur interested just shoot a dm :D I do sketched (Headshot, Bust, Halfbody, Full body) and fully rendered (Headshot, Bust, Half Body) :]

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✨Daily 34 Re-Shoot: Laharl & Sicily
I retouched this one up a bit because I really liked this pic of Laharl with his little sister! TY Harada for blessing us with adorable siblings

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tiny Saw

just some quick colors for an old doodle of little Black Gold Saw, using the original pale and more usual pink tone

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JUST AFTER as I sent my father the refs for everyone on that post previously mentioned, HE JUST STARTS SHOOTING THESE ARTS LIKE HE'S A MOUNTED MINI GUN.
: "Bonk, bonk, bonk, bonk, bonk..."
D: **Monke see monke do** "It truly does work..."😲


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picked up elden ring again to speed through zones and i enjoy my tarnished ☺️ love that his leggy is just all the way out and he's just walking around shooting fire out of his eyes

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Holy shit man … I minted and jumped into a photoshoot with two amazing muses for the project jumped back in the space with them and went straight to work in editing I was so excited about this one this is one of many to come

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"After defeating her alter ego, Lou remains in that void.
Not dead, but not entirely alive either.
Everything hurts. A constant ringing.
The flood of lost memories appear like shooting stars, gone the second after she recalls.
Darkness, only darkness."


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Parrotfish is a Scaridian from the planet Labird. She is capable of both swimming and flying. Her feathery scales are able to change color and shoot out like darts.

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2️⃣THEN WHEN YOU GOOBERS FALL ASLEEP, WE COZY 🩸VRISING!! (I think I fixed some of the FPS issues!!)

Don't make fun of my hobo mansion plz, it's got good loot


Art by: @/lilitapuff

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*kept you waiting huh guy shoots nanomachines son from the back*

nanomachines son guy : standing there you should've realized i have nanomachines, son!!

kept you waiting huh guy : EEYIKES!!! he is strong enough to withstand bullets!!! i need to call my friend "OTACON"!!!

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Go ahead, shoot I dare you, it won't end well for you

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Giving A Shootout to and Their Project "Kythera Zero"

Based on a Short Posted Online Last Year, the Group will start to Promote and Try to Develop the Sci-Fi, Action/Comedy Project to an Extended Full Animated Series on Kickstarter next Week.
Links Below👇

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Playing Soldier 76 in is basically like playing a Boomer Shooter.

No aim down sights, instead you have Alt fire. Shift is sprint. The ult is his power up and you can rocket jump.

He's not just fps controls, the dude is a Boomer with Boomer controls.

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(UR) Hop, Step, Shoot!

"This brand has lots of sizes. I want us to match, so let's check it out together next time! What color should we pick?"

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Next part of the Photoshoot commission for

Cheri and Julie start out having a small water balloon fight, however Julie shouldn't have used that fancy sandcastle as a defense!

More to come when I resume, but a fun way to quicksand out the last day of Mermay~

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