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I would like to thank for inspiring to get back into art again. I would have given up if it weren't for her and her art streams.

Thank you so much.

4 16

Really been enjoying Inas Hollow Knight week so I made some more fanart! I've been doodling while watching, but its taken a while because it gets so intense at times :o

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Just give her the money and no one has to get hurt

1 8

No such thing as a cute eldritch abomination. Takodachi love!

0 4

I'm slowly getting back into art after so long and finally finished a baby chibi of ze precious ! I aspire to be her level of calm and inspiring💕 She's so cute and so so talented too! Going to try and improve my drawing with her as well! 🥰🥰🥰

1 26

Ina resting after making more progress in 3 hours than me in 10

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painted my favorite hololive en member!!! love you ina <3

1 11

Ina giving chicken mc nuggies

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Ina first time at Dirtmouth. My first pixel art in GBA resolution. I honestly wasn't sure what I was doing so feedback is very welcome!

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