
23 138

I just want to say... there's nine chapters now, and I really want to post it, but I'm too scared of never finishing it, so for now, it's in my documents, forever vibing.

If I finish it, I will 100% post it.

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53 172

I’m trying to mimic the way Furudate does his watercoloring. It’s a bit tough given the difference in the forms I tend to work with, but hhh i think I sorta get it.

Ft. The HinaYachi child, Hatsuka Hinata

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21 179


1275 14471

I can’t stop drawing the hinayachi kids so let’s gooo
Also damn, Haikyuu really forcing me to draw hands like there’s no tomorrow.

2 11


41 182

An almost 12 hour stream.
I’m wheezing.

I mean, I did say, I wanted to end HinaYachi week with a huwah!
But sweet jesus, I didn’t think I’d go this far.

I just wanted to summarzie their relationship 😭🙏

42 122

This took longer than I expected. Hhhhhh.
They’re so cute dhsjeid I just had to draw them taking a graduation photo together.

Madoka’s totally the one holding the camera doe.
(UI-less version in thread)

30 91


2345 23847

REPOST: since initial posting low res.

Gods, will I be okay for the entire week.
Speedrunning like there’s no tomorrow.

A confession took place on winter, someone was particularly shy despite his usual personality.

44 132

야치에게 능글맞은 히나타가 보고싶었을 뿐!!

4 14

날이 더워지니 여름 히나야치가 필요하다😎

8 21