🇫🇷Claudine-A 🐥Maya-O
I put the English translation and detailed setting in the comments section🐺

104 387

11/23開催「SLS6th」スペースK-06 享楽園にて頒布予定
「あの頃の君 今の私」サンプルです。
大人真矢クロが聖翔時代の制服見つけてただただいちゃいちゃする本。 例のごとく真矢クロ真矢です☺️

50 198


565 1881

画了 大大小鹅系列的延伸,超会撩的法兰西克洛喵和级别同样不低的淡定小鹅,外加“沦陷”的maya w……克洛挺住! qwq w🇫🇷💪💦🔥w
对话在评论区I put the plot in the comment section

186 750

《"Who is that little child star ?"》
I put the dialogue plot in the comment section

184 579

Process (I only use this software to paint for two weeks,so……I’m not very used to it 😣)

76 269

【 Mayakuro—adding mythical elements

I put the conversation in the comment section

135 659

“Get them out of here, now .”
“You must go out with us Claudine——!”
“Hurry up.”
“Come on!What are you doing——!!The explosion is too intense——Maya won't come out!!”
“You idiot————!!”

“Listen,I won't come out alive until I find her.”

19 108

Orcs Claudine in lion mode(previously used for hunting,but now used for protecting Princess Maya……or satisfying the princess’s demand: wants to sleep with her fluffy body)

46 232

【Mayakuro —added mythological elements】

I put the plot in the third picture.☀️🌿

139 450

Seven year old ball

Wear earrings given by saijo san,wonder if her partner will be happy.

11 81


0 2

【《Behind》迷宫 克攻 第二篇】配图

192 564

One of the drawings that did not end in Valentine's Day. This is my headcanon from Sleeping Beauty.

9 25


38 135


23 136