バリー「もうちょっとで天井に押しつぶされてサンドイッチになるところだったぞ!!You almost got into a sandwich!」
ジル「ちょっと物欲(ショットガン)に負けちゃって・・・I got a little greedy.」#バイオハザード   

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修正版(笑) 。来年は寅年ということで。寅(虎)というとこれかと。配色はPS1版(私は未プレイ)のほうが虎っぽかったのでそちらに。シリーズでいうと1のリメイクをしたゲームキューブ版が一番怖いかと[個人の意見]。

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ブルーハーブ持ってない時に限って、毒をもらいます・・・。Only when I don't have blue herbs will I get poisoned ...#バイオハザード    

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水圧に負けず水没した扉を開ける怪力ジルに驚いた過去。Who broke the aquarium!!#バイオハザード     

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Jill's costume for official Label (Capcom girls gadgets) seems to be influenced by OG RE3 outfit and the concept art for RE3R

I just want that*-*


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In Jill has as alternative outfit her costume from original RE3.
Since in this cross over game she's brainwashed by Albert like RE5,she still has P30 device


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Jill's voice actress in original RE3,Catherine Disher dubbed her also for cross over game Marvel VS Capcom 2 which was released one year after RE3 (2000)

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Jill,Chris and Albert official versions in Minna to Biohazard Clan Master a card RPG battle game on 2012.
Characters' style is cute but also cool*-*


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Despite her deep disdain toward terrorists and BOWs,Jill shows to have a kind of compassion for Norman who was used and betrayed by Lansdale and left him slowly dying in Queen Dido

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Jill has after cryogenic sleep powerful antibodies against T,T-Abyss,Uroboros and,probably,a resistance for Progenitor virus too.
Despite of that,Capcom still doesn't continue her story since 2009...

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