Orpheus looked back 🥲 took a peek to the past and the underworld almost got me.

18 60

GN 🌙 One of the rougher days. Just a little solace and mercy, us four don’t ask that much.

Sorry for the little rant, everyone. Have a good one

14 125

GN 🌙 I’ve wandered to strange places, lately. I need to get my ability to dream back 💭

Have a good rest, everyone!

13 86

Warmup for a bigger piece ✍️

Bach’s Chaconne.

16 98

To a good decade, and for another.
Push through! ❄🌨

21 125

GN 🌙 Hopefully a good weekend for us all! Let’s rest some more, preparing for Monday.

8 67

GM ☀ it's Wednesday. Let's survive the middle of the week together. Don't falter!

19 97

GM ☀ Salvation! Weekend is here, let's rest properly this time. Always choose life! 🫀

14 81

Lunchbreak studies! 🔴 again, tinkering with red!

16 95

GM ☀ Carrying the boulder back to the peak. It's heavy, but it's necessary. Not gonna let it break me just yet! 🔥🔥

Have a good day, everyone!

9 68


1 14