행복한 순간마다요.💙
Every happy moment.💙

43 142

김선호배우님의 미색을 제외하고는 어떠한 뇌물도 받지 않습니다😉. I don't accept any bribes except the beauty of actor Kim Seon Ho😉. 除了金宣虎演员的美色,不接受任何贿赂😉。

32 153

“There’s no other love like the love for a brother. There’s no other love like the love from a brother.”

20 119

Happy Chuseok Day🌝🌝🌝

31th performance is coming soon 💙
Good luck SeonJoe🫶🫶🫶

30 123

선호 배우님와 함께 시작하는 10월에는.

56 245

어디서든 어떻게든 행복할것💙
Wherever you are, be happy no matter what💙

36 148