자옹업자 우래기 천만똑람 안사랑하면 누굴 사랑해! 옹널평사❤

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서울대작전 크랭크인
옹성우 ㅎㅇㅌ 준기 ㅎㅇㅌ 🚘🏍🛹

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오랜만이에요 여러분~
요즘 조금 바빠서 거의 그림을 못 그려요. 대학원 발표해야 돼~ 발표를 준비하기가 힘들지만 미술 자수하는 걸 아주 좋아해요~

✨ because he makes me feel bubbly everytime ✨

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[2021.11.01] was filming SEOUL VIBE in Baeksa Village and visited a cafe yesterday. He gave them his autograph after having some coffee. Since they were not allowed to take his photo, they drew an illustration of him in the cafe 😊


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<🛠️서울대작전🛹 스티커 도안 공유>
- 이미지 크기 : 10.4 cm X 10.4cm
- 상업적 이용❌, 그 외 자유롭게 출력하여 사용하세요:)
- 링크 : https://t.co/8vVg9CtBTo

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