Someone I love was born today.
I hope that you have the greatest birthday ever from the moment you open your eyes in the morning until they close late at night. Happy birthday🐻💕

67 169

Since I met you you were a ray of light in my life, I love every detail of you. You are a wonderful person that I admire too much 🐻💕

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4 15



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Feliz ɑniversάrio prɑ esse homα̃o dɑ porrɑ!Felicidɑdes pro mɑior e melhor líder e pɑpɑi do grupo- Sɑbe, nα̃o tem pɑlɑvrɑs que descrevɑm ɑs hɑbilidɑdes sobrenɑturɑis deste homem em dɑnçɑ e muito menos seus dons em tirɑr fotos de comidɑ❤

27 38

Happy birthday!! Maaf pakai fanart lama, semoga besok ada waktu bikin yang baru lalu ngucapin lagi x"D

20 82

셔누야 생일 축하해~~!!!💖💜🐻💜💖
맛있는 음식 많이 많이 먹고 행복한 생일 보내~!!💜💜💜

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