Here is one of my primary color works from 2004, I never sold many but what a breakthrough for my painting method

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《 鳩鵪漫畫 》204, 16-10-2012
"Art is the lie that tells the truth."

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1604, Kunyu Wanguo Quantu (坤輿萬國全圖) - Mappamondo stratosferico

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[FANART] TOPPUDING "The Final" Día 2 (26/01/13) cr: utopia_871104, en el pic. Es tan lindo nuestro TOP!!!!

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いよいよ明日日曜日コミケ参加です~東1 G07b です。新刊は壽屋フレームアームズ バーゼラルド・ゼルフィカール デザイン本です。既刊はRW:04,10,13,14が少部数です。後半までまったりやっているかと思いますwゆっくりどうぞ~

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After Sky Witch Tomorrow page 03 - 04, traslate spanish and english....

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《 鳩鵪漫畫 》504,毛爷:“李进同志,干革命是不可闹情绪的,庐山仙人洞七绝没有抄《花荫露》“。

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Not many played for & In 1904, Frank Piercy was a rare exception

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Awards - Archive: Oliver Kugler Editorial Gold 2004, Commissioned by

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Cockatrice and Crocodile. Dragon with human head in mouth.Bodleian MS. Ashmole 1504, 'The Tudor Pattern Book', 12th c

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Nothing 104,'13 on canvas (60x80cm),for sale, painted by Goran Radić

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Trinity Sim, Trinity (109, 104, 22)

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study 04, Liquid / Gas and heat inside Skull

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12월에 냈던 개인지 신간이 남아서, 톨님 부스에서 소량 위탁판매합니다.
위치는 M04, 05 (Plastic girl) 입니다. 잘 부탁드립니다.

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by Frits Thaulow, Clair de lune a Beaulieu
(Moonlight in Beaulieu), 1904, pastel.

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Ex: AG#04, with Iwane as AS, and directed+storyboarded by Asada.

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Theodore Seuss Geisel aka born today in 1904, author of 46 children's books

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Nothing 104,'13 on canvas (60x80cm),for sale, painted by Goran Radić

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RT부탁] 5월서울코믹 위치 A04, 05 에서 소드아트온라인 팬북과 굿즈등이
나옵니다. 많은관심 부탁드립니다!
오셔서 사지 못하시는분들은 현재 통판도 계속 하고있으니 통판쪽도 잘 탁드립니다!

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