Q+K owned by

1/2 King Admiral Obi-He rules his distant planet O with mercy and kindness, being tucked away in a far galaxy he often travels to new exciting galaxies in search of finding new species. He left 2 months ago and is returning from Planet Z days time,

8 36

宇宙英雄ローダン・シリーズ656 - 刊行日: 2022/01/06

宇宙英雄ローダン・シリーズ657 - 刊行日: 2022/01/19

3 25

fiz esses vetores um tempo atras mas nunca compartilhei, ai to postando hoje que é o acab day

10 21

H.B.D. พี่จีปุนคนเก่งและคุนเรดด้วยนะคะ❤❤❤✨✨🛵🏍 อวยพรไปแร้วแล้วรีบปั่นอาร์ต ทันอยู่มั้ยคะแงง

7 35

Fondé en 1119, l'ordre des chevaliers du Temple est devenu aux yeux de Philippe le Bel trop riche et trop puissant, alors qu'il a fait à l'origine vœu de pauvreté.

Au concile de Vienne en 1312, et sous pression extérieure, le pape Clément V prononcera la dissolution de l'ordre.

9 24


Aaaaand fuck capitalism

76 254

is really jumping up the charts. The Dev team has been so responsive and forthcoming. Its impossible to not see this going far.

Here are 2 of the 5 amazing pieces I have. This art is really something!

Do you have one?

1 4

想像以上に腕痛くてしんどい、、、【#ピグパ ID:PJ-1312-3099】(▶︎https://t.co/KGncsDQcoq)から投稿

0 0

Newwwwww Dropppppppp

🔥Fire in the System !🔥

🔥 ACAB 🚨🚔1312 🔥

2160x1620px Gif.

Available 100/100 pieces for (0.1 xtz )


1 4

1位(RT1069/Fav4124):https://t.co/qgZE2igAol (ebihurya332)
2位(RT476/Fav1478):https://t.co/GWV7BamjCh (nigobox)
3位(RT398/Fav1312):https://t.co/iH4Y0NygX4 (salmonkomaku)
4位(RT226/Fav901):https://t.co/57kmQWqDQC (shohosandaisuki)

0 0

うささん×グッバイ宣言描いてみた【#ピグパ ID:PJ-1312-3099】(▶︎https://t.co/KGncsDQcoq)から投稿

0 0


0 2

Today's Random fact
Belaraic slingers dominated the battlefield in antiquity, firing off lead balls at speeds of over 62mph/hr and ranges of up to 1312ft. This ridiculous range and power made slings be in use up until the creation of the crossbow and early guns

0 2

人から見たらどんなに情けなくてもみっともなくても、彼を思うこの気持ちが、そのたったひとつが冷たくて明るい私の宝物だった - 山田あゆみ (ハチミツとクローバー)

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