Someone was distracted by a certain Maryden today at the tavern🍺

243 799

An other quick doodle, drinking some wine with fenris after a hard day of fighting magisters and freeing elven slaves

559 1441

“It doesn’t matter that they won’t remember me. What matter is I helped”

147 499

“No one ever listen, not until it’s far too late”

344 1284

“It's only when we fall that we learn if we can fly"

214 768

“Please, I have done... So much wrong. Allow me to do one last thing right.”

180 573

“I can honestly say I’m a little jealous of you right now.”

50 288

“Magic is a cancer in the heart of our land, just as it was in the time of Andraste. And like her, we are left with no choice but to purify it with fire and blood.”

59 237

Velanna: I am simply wondering how your kind can call yourselves "nobles." It seems ironic.
Nathaniel: We like irony. And it rolls off the tongue better than "oppressors."
Velanna: Ah, so you're a funny human.

this one is for

166 606

Anders: So what does the Legion do when you're not, you know, dying?

Sigrun: I'm not sure. We do that a lot.

162 673

"Our problem is invisibility. The people in power are used to ignoring us. We're not actors, we're scenery."

293 1320

"To be fooled by the world is unfortunate. By oneself, is deadly."

113 438

“Take moments of happiness where you can find them. The world will take the rest.”

158 689

Carver: So... Isabela.
Isabela: Oh, Carver, I do love the way you say my name.
Carver: I... er... thank you?
Isabela: Carver, if you stop breathing every time a woman compliments you, you'll never be awake when the fun starts.

104 488

Bethany: Which would you rather have? A baby griffon, or a pet dragon?
Merrill: Oh, definitely a griffon. You can’t really pet a dragon can you? They’re all scaly.
Bethany: You’ve thought about this before.

174 665