2020 has been a weird year but at least I was able to keep up with my drawing and hopfully next year I can continue to improve. Here’s the first and last pieces I’ve done this year

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2020 was a year of experimentation for me. Both in writing and in art!

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These are my favorites of 2020. What a crazy year it had almost 340 days iirc.

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This year was...something....
But it was also the start of my online art career, and here's some of my favs!
Hopefully....the future will be better, for both my art, and the world! Happy New Year!!🎉

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I've joined the HxH fandom back in late July! Since then, I'm in love with hisoillu and Illumi is the character I like most do draw. Thanks everyone for the support! Wish to grown even more every months and improve!


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Although i only drew 4 things this year, im still happy with what i was able to improve on. It was a rough year for all of us, so here's to a better one.

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2020 nears its end for me. And I've made, what I believe is, a HUGE amount of progress in my art. Here we have my four favorite pieces. Sexy Cinder Fall, my first commission, my RWBY OC and my internet persona. Here's to another year of art.

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My favorite drawings of Opa from 2020. I didn't draw them that much but I I have gotten a bit more consistent in how I draw Opa this year. I think I finally found a design for Opa that I'm happy with ^^

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Here’s my cuz yeah! Here’s to a new year!

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or at least my faves, for the year.
Next year I hope to make lots more art!

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some art i've enjoyed drawing this year. :)

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Hello 2021!!! I hope you'll be a better year

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I actually haven't posted the Pac Man Doodles on social media, hope you guys like em!

I still have two collab pieces made that will be posted in a later time.
Again, Happy New Year and I hope I get to do more art at a quicker pace!

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