

-Signature & Birthday-


Available on

🕳Links below 🕳

8 9

Gm legends
My collaboration with

4ED left for 2

Link -https://t.co/GUjMMNv1zu

6 12

2 more editions collected by dear and
Thank you my friends, Appreciate you both🖤🙏🏼

16/40 editions left.

5 $XTZ

Link on my pin/Quote tweet below.


21 110


Le rêve des héros et des oiseaux malades.


Available on

Link below ⤵️

3 6

🔥My entry for event.

Collaboration with

"Echoes of contemplation"

40 editions - only 5 $XTZ

Would appreciate if you read the description.
Click ALT for it.


62 226


Available on Objkt

My collab with

20/25 Editions left
5 $XTZ


7 13

Thrilled to announce that "Guardian of the Forgotten Souls" 🦋 is now available on "MAYDAY: AI Art is Coming" world 🤍

Curated by the amazing

Check out the whole collection. Link ⬇️

58 137

Gm fam ■
Your personality is like a castle where you will live for the rest of your life. Don't rely on your ego, which turns out to be an unspeakable monster that you can't control, because there will be no boats to save you!

1 21


Sometimes you just need a little psychedelic in your life.

9 47

I decided to do a super thread of all my collections of AI art on every platform so it's easy to find. 🧐

This is an evolution of my art and my version of spring cleaning! I really do have a lot of art... 😆

🧵 Fun in the Comments Below

14 52

Good morning!


Kindster Kindster and Pet for Kindster were collected by and in the secondary!
Thank you for collecting!
Congrats to the sellers!

4 14