I drew Sophie admiring the new coat she got for her sequel~

I'm happy we'll be able to see our friend again.

Of course there's a glasses girl version and don't forget you can also see the sketches posted on Pixiv as well!


25 82

I drew Rorona! Her game got me into the series!

37 64

Music: The Legacy
Game: Atelier Iris 2 - The Azoth of Destiny (2005)
Composer: Daisuke Achiwa

5 8

Nyaaa a belated happy birthday to Sophie lol.

I wanted to get this done sooner but like.... I just didn't.

She's carrying a Mocha Torte from my favourite cake shop down town.

A version with and without glasses~

15 35

I finally made myself a PFP after a friend pestered me about it lol.

Pixel art Ayesha with and without glasses~

10 26

Happy birthday Sophie Neuenmuller from and her awesome Japanese VA Yuuka Aisaka!!! The cutest, kindest, and most amazing alchemist in Atelier, voiced by one of the most awesome voice actresses in Japan! ❤️

4 11

A drawing of Clone, whom is probably one of my favourite characters from Atelier Escha & Logy.

I felt like she had a mother-like nature to her that made her a warm character that lit up the scene with her presence.

11 29

Music: Tumbling Tree Spirit
Game: Atelier Iris 2 - The Azoth of Destiny (2005)
Composer: Ken Nakagawa

1 8

Music: The Door to the Journey
Game: Atelier Iris 2 - The Azoth of Destiny (2005)
Composer: Ken Nakagawa
Singer: Mami Horie


1 7

Gust really gave us a flower girl, a witch, a mechanical doll and a girl with a big ass sword all in the same game and I couldn't be more thankful😤

7 18

[Chibi CM]

I was asked to draw a chibi of Logy from
He was a lot of fun to work on~! ヽ(〃・ω・)ノ

9 20

I made a high resolution Puni Jelly!

9 23

Music: Empty Corridor
Game: Atelier Iris 2 - The Azoth of Destiny (2005)
Composer: Ken Nakagawa

4 8

Now that Atelier Online: Alchemist of Bressisle has been announced for the West, can we take a moment to appreciate the art style of this game? 🙏

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