El insider de la industria confirma por su parte dos papeles rumoreados para Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever.

Mabel Cadena interpretaría a Namora y Josué Maychi a Attuma, uniéndose al Namor de Tenoch Huerta.

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RUMOR: Mabel Cadena and Josué Maychi will be playing Namora and Attuma in BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER.

(Via: )

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New blog post is up: Fantastic Four 33! Featuring the first appearance of Attuma, a subtle shift in how Namor is portrayed, and lots of awesome underwater action!


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That moment when you are rereading King in Black: Namor and realize that Attuma's dragon skull helmet was most likely taken from this sea dragon.

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Testasin uutta Petri -rigiä sattumanvaraisilla ilmeillä ja loin vahingossa jotain joka näyttää paskalta meemiformaatilta

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• El sitio web también confirma que están en fase de casting de dos personajes, buscando actores de ascendencia maya, que serán los atlantes Namora y Attuma.

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Junto a esto, también se dice que veríamos a Namora y a Attuma en Black Panther 2


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Namora y Attuma también harán su aparición en la secuela de Black Panther.

Apuesto que el verdadero villano será Attuma, el cual manipulara a Namor para que vaya a la guerra contra Wakanda y la superficie en sí.

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Attuma's words, coupled with Kharsa last issue tell of the darker underbelly of Atlantean History that Imperials (Tha-korr and other emperors of the past?) would rather forget. Perhaps they wish only to show Atlantis as a utopia. This would make for great further world building

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Attuma's anguish and loss rings through as the teen trio swim through the remains of Attuma's people. His hatred and anger directed towards Atlantean Imperials. The darkness in his heart grows even as Dorma and Namor try to console him.

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New ✨#MarvelCosmic✨ this week for (2/24/21)



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Listen if someone told me like a two months ago I would genuinely care about Attuma and Namor's budding friendship, or that I would care about Attuma at all, I would have thought them insane. Seriously I am invested now.

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WHat does this mean??? Namor, Dorma, and Attuma were corrupted on a smaller scale? How is this going to effect their futures. (Don't remind me that Dorma is dead in the future, in my heart she lives on) I love Black Tide's evil vibe. Holy fuck they are monster wife material.

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New ✨#MarvelCosmic✨ this week for (1/27/21)



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Lounges and Lairs of the Supervillains by Phil O'Knius

"Attuma with a View'a" was the scene of many a casual supervillain breakfast, with its blue on blue motif and surprisingly good blueberry pancakes.

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Tales to Astonish (Feb.1967)
Suffering another defeat by the Sub-Mariner, Attuma and his army of barbarians discover "A Stranger Strikes From Space!" Script Stan Lee, Penciler-Inker Bill Evertt: An extreme plot-contrivance makes an already unremarkable story less-so. 2.5/5

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namor getting jealous every time attuma flirts with dorma i love BUDDING YOUNG LOVE

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Alkaa etäkonttorikin käydä ahtaaksi, kun minä ja työkaveri oltiin aamupäivällä sattumalta samaan aikaan samassa pikkukahvilassa hommissa. Kai tästä pitää kohta siirtyä etä-etätöihin Siilinkarille. Siis ei kahvilaan, vaan majakalle. Tässä vielä perinteikäs Clasu-maisema.

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