since altare was the tallest and axel the 2nd shortest in the Bad End Night cover somehow, did it work like this or like this? 🤔

91 530

[Shonen Heart plays in the bg]

21 129

“when a cute girl dislikes me i think abt it a lot, like yo what did i fuck up man?”
“i just want to put my hands on your shoulders, and yknow grab and like shake — like, don’t… don’t say that!!”

79 710

just randomly watching some axel/zeta archived

and this just stuck in my head for the whole day sorry...

12 59

Altare traveling away knowing Axel can't handle his little sister.

1 12

Day 7 - Miko - Nodoka

Purifying the dog's thoughts

2 27

Axel when someone dies in Phasmophobia

7 41

kintama bros with their princess leader demon god king.

87 314

drawing Tempus from memory challenge with my sister, who did it better? LMAO

1 40

A quick edit to express how much these guys have brought so much joy to me and others, thanks y’all, love ya to bits <3

4 30