Meet TLETLALIA, her name in Nahuatl means "Light a fire", it's just amazing
Like all our Anime Aztec Gods NFTs, has been designed and curated by the minter using our custom builder.

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We are running a Short Story Contest in our discord.
Choose one tribe, write a myth imagine the main character and win a free mint to make it real

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⚡️Look at this WIP winner⚡️
Congrats on turning your vision into reality.
You will receive a free mint to turn your vision into reality.

Want to win one yourself? Get in the discord

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We are running a contest in our discord.
Using our custom character builder, send us our best design to represent the ⚡️God Xolotl ⚡️and win a free mint.
Join here:

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Wow your God is really cool! I like the color💙 Very nice to hear you liked the builder and you've had fun making your own pfp nft layer by layer🔥

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Curating and minting your own avatar is a completely new experience
You can now decide which layers to use and how your NFT will look
3x first people to reach can try our builder and free mint!

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Today in is Tochtli (Rabbit), governed by Mayahuel, Goddess of the Maguey and of Fertility
It is a mystical day, It is a good day for communing with nature and spirit, a bad day for acting against others.

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Starting now we will be runnning a creative contest in our discord.
Members can design a God together with a backstory.
Winner gets a free mint!
Be creative, have fun.

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Today is Miquiztli, governed by Tecciztecatl, the Moon God
A good day for reflecting on your priorities in life, bad day for ignoring possibilities
It is a day of transformation, signifying that briefest moment between old endings and new beginnings

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New PFP!
Built my own pfp using the custom avatar builder.
Your pp talks about you, don´t let a randomizer choose it.

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Today in is Day Coatl
The day of the snaking river that always changes without changing
Signifies the fleeting moment of eternal water
Good day for humility, a bad day for acting on self-interests

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This is our last Aztec God minted, his name is TEOAUHTOTOTL, in nahuatl is the name of a bird the size of a sparrow
All traits was choosen while minting.
If you want to create yourself enter discord, free mints available.

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Thanks for joining my hand-drawing stream tonight, guys - and an extra special thanks to the lovely , @/aztecsorrow, and for the raids! 💜✨

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I am very proud to introduce to you YAOCIHUATL!!
New member of the Aztec Gods 🥰

Made it myself layer by layer with the amazing innovative customizabel builder

Still some freemint places available!!


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Tonight, a small number of people will be able to experience what it means to create their own avatar, free, 100% customized.
Will you be one? Join here

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Super reduced price of 0.02 eth ➡️

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🔥Your PFP tells a lot about you, don´t let a randomizer choose for you🔥
Choose your own set of traits to build an Aztec God NFT
Control what you mint, experience building your avatar
This time, I chose a blue Aztec. What would you choose?

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Building your own Avatar is something you must experience!
100% customizable Aztecs, we will be running a free pre release for a reduced number of minters
Want to join?

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The official pre release mint date for

📅September 2, 2022.

Very few spots left. Join us before it's too late


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Today in is Ollin (Earthquake) is an auspicious day for taking action.
Those born today are believed to be very fortunated. They have active, logical and very objective minds

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