'Everything's totally under control.'
(By Cannibalus)

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Hans Baluschek (German, 1870–1935).

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Large Vase, Vintage, Japanese, Baluster, Cherry Blossom and Birds C20th

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Roman Emperor Trajan shows to the soldiers the head and right arm of Decebalus, king of the Dacians, 106 AD.
Artwork by Radu Oltean.

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Large Vase, Vintage, Oriental, Baluster, Panel Scenes, Late 20th Century

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Song-inspired commission for h-annibalus on dA!

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The Roman Emperor Elagabalus, would dance around the Baetylus to the sound of drums, anointing the stone with oil. On the Summer Solstice feast the meteorite was covered with raw wool & placed on a chariot adorned with gold & jewels to parade about.

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Mid 20th Century Pair of Chinese Baluster Vases, Painted, Ceramic, Urns


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Large, Vintage, Vietnamese, Baluster Vase, Oriental, Mid-Late 20th Century


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Large, Vintage Japanese Baluster Vase, Decorated, Ceramic, Urn, Mid-Late C20th


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In 1937 a cryptozoological expedition to Kowtow, home to a species of monstrous prehistoric water buffalo (bubalus titanicus), suffered embarrassment & death after inadvertently building an observation post on a huge cowpat full of gigantic parasitic worms, which devoured them.

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Have a drawing of Roman Emperor Elagabalus, one of the first document trans women

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Based on the Tondo; my portrait of the early Severans - Julia Domna, Septimius Severus, Geta, and Caracalla.
An illustration for my hopefully-upcoming biography.

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Herbert List.
GERMANY. Hamburg.
"Pitcher on a balustrade".
Magnum Photos -

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Reseña: 'Ad Mortem' de Blanca Mira y Eduard Balust (https://t.co/Gy6X16V7RL)

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is a saint of 31 March is International Day of Visibility! Theme:

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Roman Emperor Elagabalus, as a teenager loved playing pranks on people. He used to hide wild lions in guest’s bedrooms

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Hans Baluschek. 
(German, 1870~1935)
산업 혁명기의 풍경을 많이 담은 독일의 화가 Hans Baluschek 의 '밤'들. 그들의 밤은 이제 시작이라는 느낌. 마치 현대의 우리처럼.

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