Dato curioso: La sangre seca de Burntrap es censurada en la cinematica

13 370

Few days ago had a dream/nightmare with Springtrap chasing me. Needed to draw that f-cko bunny in the end

1 10

I don't really like this design, but for the sake of interest I decided to try to draw~

5 26

Мне нравятся цвета на этой странице. Буду рада активности и приятным словам в это непростое время)
Стр 7

3 33

YO I did a SB version of Aurora! other version of my AU again lol

this version is the one that follows the canon mostly (the others one changes a lot) and here Auri its the new security guard! as a 'replacement' for Vanessa, which also discovers burntrap 👀

17 143

Чот я устала, эти дибилы - чуть ли не единственное, что дарит серотинин мне сегодня вечером

17 146

i can never pull myself to drawing him, only a doodle

2 7


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This drawing doesn't make any sense, but it's been in my mind. So, here, have this mafia thing 😭

2 20