I ❤️ science, so my quantum mechanics professor ponysona is named Chiral Charm bc of chirality & the charm quark, & it’s a play on words for the term “charming” since theyre very loving. My bird ‘sona is named Atlas Achernar, after the stars. He’s an inventor and loves astronomy

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『CHiRAL LIVE 2022 × スロウ・ダメージ』へTHE ANDSの出演が決定しました。

『CHiRAL LIVE 2022 × スロウ・ダメージ』

Anna Evans golden folks


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science ponysona! (their name is Chiral Charm, and they have the gender neutral title of Professor instead of princess)
they usually wear a lab coat too

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エピソードChiral I/Oでお馴染みの隼坂怜と湊花澄の水着絵描きました
印刷コードは XACHP4FAH7 で、サイズはL判、2L判、はがきに対応してます

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Last week I was lucky enough to join hundreds of students across the Philippines to talk about chiral materials + how scientists can contribute to building a better world. They send the most awesome thank you cards! Thank you for supporting these incredible programmes.

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this is Professor Chiral Charm, they teach quantum mechanics and magic mechanics at Twilight’s School for Gifted Unicorns (third piece is a commission from the super talented goblinkimg on Twitter!!!)

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讓大家久等了!經過長久的準備,我們很高興能宣布Nitro+CHiRAL經典BL作品《DRAMAtical Murder》的國際中文版將會於8月26日中午12:00在Steam及JASTUSA官網上與各位見面!

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Can't have Knaw without the AWWWWW... cutest hunter from l4d and one of my oldest OCs from way back in 2010 when i made l4ms gosh. what a time!! This was actually a commission for @/ChiralSymmetry, and I cant thank them enough for this opportunity to revisit this lil guy 🥰

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Hiya! I’m ChiralMass/Jordan/Kel! Just a silly lil guy who makes art :)

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Nitroplus es quizás la única compañía que me hará jugar juegos BL/yaoi (También hacen juegos BL aparte de las VNs/eroges comunes en su rama alterna, Nitro+Chiral)

Tienen 5 juegos hasta la fecha (Togainu no Chi, Lamento, Sweet Pool, Dramatical Murder y Slow Damage) y-

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買了電子書版的Nitro+CHiRAL 10 years Archive


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We have our newest plot of the week

-- Plot from J. F. Bourhill et al.
"Twisted Anyon Cavity Resonators with Bulk Modes of Chiral Symmetry and Sensitivity to Ultra-Light Axion Dark Matter"

Congratulations! https://t.co/zCgFZYKArO

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Oh, you want to see Boxanne and Voxanne getting railed by dragon dick all at once, uncensored once it's all done and colored?
Amazing then mark all chiral centers of digitoxin and use the CIP system to assign stereo descriptors gl ヽ(・∀・ヽ)

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Everything from chirality to completely visible is great.

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la dinámica de la grupA (💖) de redibujar un CG pero ahora con mejor calidad que en el facebook~

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nitro chiral taught for not to trust nice guys..

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