The Untamed Chin👀

If you don't know a butt chin is when the chin is divided in the middle so it looks like butt cheeks lmao. It is regarded as attractive. Also I'm not hating on lxc butt chin, I like it XD

935 2386

THANK YOU! chenqingling! for! jiang cheng with bunnies!!!! THANK YOU

275 513

Trying chibi reference.
I really love them in this cute romantic way 😌💛🖤
Can't wait for their interaction in ChenQingLing ^^

34 112

Daozhang, please choose your A-Yang, they're waiting.

44 134

wyb what r u doing?
U want he KISS u or HIT you?🙈🙈


51 103

云梦date parts 3 & 4 (continuation from previous post

I seriously hope they do a drama cd of these 4 chapters

54 131

u know how CQL lwj was wearing this lacy outer robe... well.

1246 2937

陈情令 忘羡 gives me reason to live on 😫👌🏻

397 1074

the next screenshot from me (yooooooooo
對我而言下一幕是這樣 (無藥可救

423 1135

“I wish that I, Wei Wuxian, may be able to protect those in need with a clear mind and kind hand.”

948 1613

Done!!! One week for this Ụ w Ụ
Soooo lazy~
Background on Pinterest:

24 82


42 67

this is xiao zhan and wang yibo in every behind the scenes video for chenqingling

18 30

ErGe! I never ever thought to harm you😂

1226 3115

唉唷,昨日#陈情令见面会 三尊玩小遊戲真的太好笑了

235 599