Sup nerds! I entered an art contest by to draw Bigoli (a character based on his irl dog Galileo) from the new game and I won top 5 AND a copy of the game! I can't wait to start playing Chicory for myself, it looks like an amazingly creative game!

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After a wonderful stream with wonderful people, I decided to redraw the doodle I did in chicory today. It sounds ridiculous but. I think drawing in game was the most fun I've had with art in a while. Seriously enjoying so far <3

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I drew me some fanart! Dr Cheese is here bringing a positive message (and pink).

...And no, she doesn't mean drink random chemicals you make. That's bad. Other sort of "solution"! ^v^

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More Chicory arts I made in game that I really like

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It is finally here! I've been super excited waiting for this game to come out. I've been feeling under weather for a few weeks now so this game is just what I needed.

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Played tonight! Reminds me a lot of the Rakugaki Kingdom games in tone and aesthetic. I like an emotional and meta story about the power of art despite You the player's amateurish skill and tools. Very nostalgic, but its also extremely unique with its design

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Here is a fanart of Pizza, who I already know I will love.

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