'An Extinct Ecosystem' by felling a tree an entire habitat is lost If you love the environment as much as me, buy here, https://t.co/VNM5IuINrl

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can you spot what is camouflaged in this painting? Want it on your wall? Get the original or limited edition here, https://t.co/kSnjGoghaR

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"Secrets of Nature" series https://t.co/63BllPCUgR showing that man needs to work with nature& consider themselves a part of it to halt Can you spot the secret?

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one of my favourite paintings "Under the Daisy 2" where you can escape into the miniscule world in the grass beneath your feet https://t.co/O8aETZCzfR

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my always bordered on the this sold a few years ago, inspired by shapes, created from imagination - want a limited edition print - DM me

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