Concept : time Titan with messy hair and bangs down 😳

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Ngl, this one was a bit tricky to do, but it ain't so bad!
(For the challenge by )
Day 25- Belly

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Here's the time for a new entry for the challenge by !!
Day 24- Wrist

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Behold a cute lil new entry for the challenge by !
Day 23- Mouth (corner)

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Woop woop! New entry for the challenge by !

Day 21-Ear
(My apologies if this one seems more simple or less detailed than the others ^^ll)

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Here comes a new entry for the challenge by !!

Day- Neck (crook)
Also, I think that the first entry where I tried to put some backround stuff LMAO

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Heya! Happy Valentines day, everyone! Hope you had an amazing and loving day ! And to celebrate, here's my new entry of 's challenge! ✨❤️❤️
Day 14- anything

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Lil doodle while listening to male covers of "Why don't you do right?". Hum.. yeah (.////. )

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hmm, yes, very serious indeed 🙃

(I am so sorry, this is really dumb XD. Also, hands are a freaking nigtmare to do!)

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