In an 8 page tale, a device sends Superman and Batman to a parallel world, where their Superman and Batman are arch-criminals, vs lawmen Luthor (oddly still in prison garb) and Clayface.

That is great Super Villain Team-Up!

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Fan Cast

🟫 David Tennant as Basil Karlo aka Clayface 🟫

He was my first choice for Riddler before Paul Dano ❤

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The Batman: The Animated Series episode "Feat of Clay, Part 2" debuted on this day (Sept. 9) in 1992. On top of the strong script and brilliant take on Clayface, this episode's legitimately stunning animation by TMS is arguably the series' best!

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John Hamm might have the looks to play Matt Hagen, but I'd love it if they got Ron Perlman to at least voice Clayface, if not to play Matt as well.

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I get it though. There was A LOT to cram into just these seventeen issues. But I feel like it's been a recurring theme that's been running in Bat books. Where the relationship evolution happens "off panel". example Cass forgives Kate after the Clayface incident.

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Estos son todos los villanos Rumoreados que veremos en el universo de Matt Reeves, claro puede haber mas:

The Penguin: Black Mask, Clayface y Scarface.

Arkham Asylum: Joker, Riddler, Scarecrow, Mad Hatter, Poison Ivy y Harley Quinn.

The Batman 2: Two Face y Mr Freeze.

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Not cartoony necessarily, but just definitely not realistic. More in the realm of science fiction. I just finished watching his origin episodes in the animated series and they'd make for a perfect film, but it would have to be in Affleck's Batman's universe.

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- Man Bat, Clayface, Poison Ivy, Bane

I can definitely see Reeves implement more fantastical elements in this already gritty, grounded world that he has created. It’s not out of the realm in my opinion.

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Now knowing that Clayface will be in Gotham Knights, I would be genuinely blown away if WB Montreal were to re-interpret this story in-game:

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A group of Clayfaces, not the Mud Pack though lol
(Alts inspired by both Bennet and Karlo from The Batman)

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Favorite part of this convo was immediately saying “but where’s restorative justice for Clayface?!”

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Clayface is better than Sandman and I don't want to hear any complaints.

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Commissioned last month, Clayface gets the best of Superman and traps him in thick clay.

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Alan Tudyk as Earthspark Optimus? That means I can reference that one Clayface bit!

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Clayface and Sandman
Both sympathetic shapeshifters with control over their namesake who at one time or another have turned to the side of good

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Clayface (DC)
Be he the tortured actor, the disfigured detective or the unfortunate explorer, Clayface has always been a character with a great deal of tragedy and ennui for a compelling villain

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Some Clayfaces from today! 🎭

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Apparently me as Clayface

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