Dear Courtiers,

It has been nearly one month since Tino's Consort's Path was released!💚
Tino's waiting for your impressions! (And us too ^^)
Did you enjoy his path? What about his Early Completion Prizes? 😉

7 89

As we said before, Dia's Consort Path is coming soon!
Did you expect his swift arrival?😉

Check out his dedicated page and take a peek at his endings!✨

12 74

Dear Courtiers,

BIG news: Dia's the next Consort's Path!😘
To celebrate, a special promotion is on!

Read lots of Consorts' Paths before his release and get up to 15 Dia Love Passes!
Sneak peek in the app, too!😀

17 91

Happy Birthday to our dearest prince, Lynt 🎂
I tried to copy the game's artstyle for this 😌

23 99

Hi Courtiers,

It's our sleepy prince's birthday today!
Celebrate his big day by sending birthday wishes!
Feel free to share your ideal birthday date with him!💚

CoD Team: Big warm wishes to our favorite sleepy boi✨💚

14 69

Hello there Courtiers,

Princes' Path Quiz Book 3
How well do you know the world of Saligia?

Read the fully free Princes' Path and get rewards ;)

8 42

Hello again Courtiers!

Did you check Lynt's Birthday Page?✨💚

Enjoy a mini-game and some fun interactions for his birthday!

Go check it out ;)

PS: His birthday is on the 23rd!👀💚

6 43

Hello there Courtiers,

Princes' Path Quiz Book 3
Ready to test your knowledge once more?😊

Read, read, read and get rewards 😉

3 36

Dear Courtiers,

How has your reading been thus far?
Anything to share?

Roy, Knight and Fenn's stories will be added tomorrow!✨
Are you looking forward to it?👀

You won't be disappointed!

10 58

Hello Courtiers,

A brand new Story Event arrives tomorrow: Complete Surrender!🔥

First, start with Guy's, Grayson's, and Lance's stories!✨

Take a sneak peek of these spicy tales! ;)
(Previews available now!)

8 56

I thought Jasper's A Chance at Eternity epilogue was sweet (and spicy??) so I wanted to try and draw something. It's been a while since I've drawn but I'm trying. 😽

3 50

Hello there Courtiers,

Princes' Path Quiz Book 3!
Ready to test your knowledge once more?😊

Read, read, read and get rewards ;)

2 40

Hello there Courtiers,

A new Collection is available : Fantastical Finery!🧚
From wings to cloaks, high fantasy fashion can be yours! ✨
👉Available until 6/22 02:59 (UTC) only!

3 36

Dear Courtiers,

Story Event: A Chance at Eternity: Jasper and Grayson's paths will be added tomorrow!✨

You can check their previews now in the app. We hope that you're enjoying your stories!😊💒

11 55

Dear Courtiers,

Saligian Wedding Voices Pack is available! 💒
Hear your consort's thoughts on wedding customs 😉
Which Consort would YOU want to marry?👀

👉Available until 6/14 02:59 (UTC)

6 47

Hello there Courtiers,

Princes' Path Quiz Book 3
A new quiz question is available!👍

Your memory could earn you a reward! ✨

6 45

Hello Courtiers!

The popular Memory Lane Promo 2022 has returned!✨
Battle your way down Memory Lane and earn Consort Items for your app's Home screen!👀
It's Guy, Lynt, and Fenn's turn! 😊

👉Until 06/03 02:59 (UTC) only!✨

8 52