Almost Forgot! Last 24hrs to guess!

Bonus Hint: Ron Perlman

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Inquisition - round 2!

Hint: Abraham Lincoln

Notes: is it cheating to use powers for a costume 🤔

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Eris is dressed as 2B from NEIR. Stay tuned tomorrow for your next chance to guess.

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Last day to guess on the first inquisition 2021 piece!

Bonus Hint: Robot Maid

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Been keeping quiet about this, but I've been building up a printable figure of Eileen. Here's a test print! Don't tell GW😭

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Sorry for missing the second post I promised.

Photoshop fucked up and didn't save any of my work properly, so what was a basic but texture ready scene collapsed into these two colored digitally.

But progress is happening, and there's a write-in up!

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Woops, got busy with other things! Here is Erica Caster, technically the biological mother of Eris, and horrendously crazy and evil! Comments, questions, and critique are always welcome 😊

The full chart is done, haven't sent it yet.

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Done! Here's the family picture, and the final piece of

I really had fun with both of these, I'm probably gonna revisit the family picture premise for other characters.

As always, comments, questions, and critique are welcome 😊

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Getting too the end of things! I'm certain I'll have it all done with by tomorrow 😌

Sorry for the silence yesterday, I wasn't doing great energy-wise. I'm back up to speed now though

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Here's the piece on Cirrus. Also flipped for the next project, posting that as a reply.

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Done! Here's route B Cera! Don't ask, long story.

Also completed the piece on Cirrus, but...

I forgot to move onto my phone 😩. I'll post it tomorrow with the coin flip for the latest poll.


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Nearing the end, as always comments, questions, and critique are welcome 😊

I'd also like to see if anyone can guess the image in the stained glass, the closest gets a thing!

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Here is Drake, and the piece for Butch Greenhill!

I was planning to add a second scene with him drowning, but it wasn't turning out.

I'm gonna spend next week on the last character in the poll.

New poll tomorrow!

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Done! Introducing Jessi Straid, the Klutzy Jericho Klepto-Mechanic!

It just tickles me pink that they're organized between the two other mechanics I have in canon.

Also finished the next of Dolci

Comments, questions, and critique 😚

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Getting close to the finish line with these. When they're done I'm gonna take a few days break through the weekend. See you soon 😊

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Finished Ceann, also remade the background of the previous one with Mai.

I honestly think the messier background before added to the piece's problems

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Continuing along, please don't mind that I had to stop at her head😢

Also the character poll is still up! Go make yourselves heard!

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I think I'm getting good at bs'ing backgrounds, even if it's one color with a fake shadow.

As always, comments, questions, and critique are appreciated 😊

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I'm gonna hold off on polling my next couple of projects. But as always, Comments, Questions, and Critique is welcome 😊

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